Chronic Disease Clinics
We have nurse-led clinics which are by invitation only following referral by a doctor. These include:
- Asthma reviews
- Chronic Airways Disease reviews – there is also a spirometry service run by a specialist nurse
- Coronary Heart Disease reviews
- Hypertension reviews
- Diabetes reviews – please note that you will need to have had blood tests done at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment
Antenatal clinics
Pre-natal counselling is available with a doctor or midwife. Booking appointments can be made with the midwife 8-10 weeks into the pregnancy. Please speak to reception to arrange your appointment.
The midwife sees patients on a Monday morning for follow-ups and Monday afternoon for initial booking.
Cervical Smear Tests
All women aged 25-64 are invited in writing for this test when due (except those who have had a hysterectomy). The service is by appointment only. Please contact reception to make an appointment in one of our regular practice nurse smear clinics.
Child Health
We will contact you and arrange an appointment at the clinic. These are held on Fridays between 10:00 – 12:00 for routine baby checks and vaccinations.
Flu Clinics
Flu vaccinations are offered to all patients over 65 and to all diabetics, those with chronic disease (e.g. heart, lung, liver, kidney, neurological disease etc) and those with a weak immune system. We advertise sessions in the local press and community venues. Please contact reception to make an appointment.
Phlebotomy (Blood Tests)
GP-requested Blood tests are available by appointment daily, Monday to Friday. For all hospital-requested blood tests, there are a number of local hospitals which run sessions. Book onto one of these by going to
Minor Surgery
Some doctors undertake minor surgery. Please discuss with your GP prior to making a booking. Procedures of limited clinical value to the NHS are referred to Private providers.
Smoking Cessation
Our doctors and nursing team are always happy to discuss how we can support you to stop smoking. Alternatively, you can call the Stop Smoking Service on 0800 085 22 99 or 01246 868425, who run clinics in Ashbourne.
We offer all vaccinations. We are also a registered Yellow Fever Centre. Please contact reception or discuss with a practice nurse or doctor.